International Conference on Chemical Engineering | ICChE 2023
20-21 December 2023, Dhaka, BUET Bangladesh
The objective of the International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICChE), organized once every three years by the Department of Chemical Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) is to provide an international platform for academics, researchers, industrial practitioners, policy makers, and technology developers to discuss and exchange ideas on recent advances, trends and challenges in the broader field of chemical engineering. The goal of 7th ICChE (2023) is to explore sustainable solutions for energy, health and environmental challenges. Moreover, the conference will cover all general topics of chemical engineering.
Special Topics
- The energy, water, environment and food nexus – renewable energy, water resources, environmental impact, food safety and security
- Post-Covid19 challenges – health, pharmaceutical and biotechnology
- Innovative technologies for circular economy – engineering, resources recovery and waste minimization
- Intelligent systems based on data-driven, machine learning and AI techniques
- Analysis, monitoring and management of process safety, health and risk
- Topics of special interest for Bangladesh (oils & gas, fertilizers, textiles, cement, pulp & paper, paints, ceramic, petrochemicals and power)
- Climate change impacts, mitigation and adaptation, and loss and damage.
General Topics
- Thermodynamics & transport properties (property models and databases)
- Catalysis & reaction engineering (chemical & bio conversions and combustion)
- Separation processes (filtration, distillation, absorption, adsorption, and crystallization)
- Pollution prevention and harmful emission control
- Computing systems and technology (modelling, design and synthesis)
- Process control and monitoring
- Development of new materials for engineering applications
- Education (curriculum, teaching methods and distance learning)
Download call for abstract here
Important Dates
- 15 June 2023 (Deadline for abstract submission)
- 30 July 2023 (Author notification and invitation to submit full manuscripts)
- 30 September 2023 (Deadline for full paper submission)
- 31 October 2023 (Outcome of paper review)
- 15 November 2023 (Camera-ready manuscript submission*)
*Selected papers will be published in peer reviewed journals
Full paper Submission:
Registration fees:
Early Bird: 31 October 2023
Local delegate : BDT 5000
Local student : BDT 3000
International student : USD 100
SAARC/ASEAN delegate : USD 150
Other foreign delegate : USD 200
Accompanying person : BDT 3000 (for local delegate)
USD 50 (for foreign delegate)
Late Registration: 30 November 2023
Local delegate : BDT 6000
Local student : BDT 3500
International student : USD 120
SAARC/ASEAN delegate : USD 200
Other foreign delegate : USD 250
Accompanying person : BDT 3000 (for local delegate)
USD 50 (for foreign delegate)
Event Schedule
- Plenary lectures (40 min) on special conference topics by well-known experts
- Keynote lectures (30 min) by invited researchers from academia and industry on selected topics
- Oral presentations (20 min) by authors of submitted abstracts
- Poster presentations by authors of submitted abstracts
- Special poster session for undergraduate students
- Design competition for undergraduate students
For detailed technical program click here
Key Conference Organizers

Professor Iqbal M Mujtaba
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Bradford, UK

Dr. Md. Shahinoor Islam
Professor and Head
Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh

Dr. Tahmid Mizan
Global Regulatory Development Manager
ExxonMobil Product Solutions

Dr. Md Easir Arafat Khan
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering, BUET, Bangladesh
Plenary Speakers

Chemical Engineering in the era of Computers, AI & Machine Learning
Professor Rafiqul Gani
CEO, PSE for SPEED, Denmark-Thailand
Distinguished Adjunct Professor,
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou, China

Professor Rao Y. Surampalli
President, CEO and Chief Technology Officer, Global Institute for Energy, Environment, and Sustainability (GIEES), Lenexa, Kansas, USA

A Process Integration Approach to CO2 Emissions Reduction and Resources Conservation: Two Recent Developments
Professor Thokozani Majozi
Executive Dean, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment and a Professor of Chemical Engineering at Wits University, South Africa

Engineering Human Operator’s Performance in Chemical Plants through Cognitive Approaches
Professor Rajagopalan Srinivasan
Head of Data Analytics, Risk & Technology (DART lab)
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India
Invited Speakers

Clean Fuels Production from Biomass using Supercritical Water Liquefaction and Gasification Technologies
FRSC (Canada), FRSC (UK)Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering, Canada Research Chair in Bio-Energy and Environmentally Friendly Chemical Processing Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Saskatchewan

Next Generation Biomanufacturing: A cell-process-product integrated view
Seyed Soheil Mansouri
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark

Complex process modelling from synthesis of new molecules to improving safety and reliability in manufacturing and decommissioning and recycling – pse through products and process lifecycle
Professor Joan Cordiner
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Head of Department, Professor of Process Engineering, University of Sheffield
Keynote Speakers
Keynote 01:
Topic: Energy Challenges for Incumbent Government of Bangladesh

Engr. Khondkar Abdus Saleque
Peng (Aust), FIEB,
Energy Consultant and Former director (operation) GTCL, Petrobangla.
Keynote 02:
Topic: From Waste to Wealth: An Integrated, Tunable, and Circular Economy Approach for Biowastes Valorization

Dr. Animesh Dutta
Professor, Department of Mechanical engineering
University of Guelph, Canada
Keynote 03:
Topic: Designing and Engineering Cellular Metabolism for a Sustainable Future

Dr. Ahsan Islam
Senior Lecturer
Department of Biochemical Engineering
Loughborough University, UK
Keynote 04:
Topic: Safety, Security and Sustainability Objectives for Chemical Industry: Synergies and Optimizations

Dr. Syeda Sultana Razia
Department of Chemical engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka
Keynote 05:
Topic: Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis to Fuels and Chemicals in 3D Printed SS Microreactors

Dr. Debasish Kuila
Department of Chemistry and Applied Sciences and Technology
North Carolina A&T State University
Keynote 06:
Topic: Study of hybrid cellulose nanocrystals in polymeric nanocomposites for developing functional film materials

Dr. Bishnu Acharya
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Keynote 07:
Topic: Bioengineering application that are rooted into Chemical engineering principles

Dr. Syed Faiyaz Hossainy
Director, Applied Bioengineering
Adjunct Professor
Department of Bioengineering
University of California, Berkeley
Keynote 08:
Topic: Data Analytics – a powerful tool for process industries

Dr. Md. A A Shoukat Choudhury
Department of Chemical engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka
Student Competitions
Student competitions are special events of the International Conference on Chemical Engineering 2023. This year two student competition events will be organized.
#01: Student Project Video Competition
Theme: Application of Chemical Engineering for Improving the Day-to-Day Life
Objective: This project is intended to identify a problem or difficulty in our day-to-day life and propose a sustainable conceptual solution based on chemical engineering to improve the quality of life.
Presentation Mode of the Project: The project is to be presented as a recorded video covering each essential aspect. The team is fixed to four members. Each member of the team is required to participate in the presentation. The permissible time span of the recorded presentation is 5-6 minutes.
#02: Chem-E-Car Competition
Objective: The aim of the competition is to provide students with an opportunity, in a team-oriented hands-on design and construction of a small chemically powered car. It tests the ability of the participants to safely control and harness the energy of a chemical reaction by initiating the car and allowing it to traverse a fixed distance carrying a certain load
Guidelines and details of the competition, Click here
Registration: Interested team is required to complete their registration with the submission of a brief abstract/summary by 31 October, 2023. For Registration: Click here
Final Submission: The deadline for final submission is 30 November, 2023.
Prizes: Reasonable Cash Prize Money, Certificate of International Recognition, and more.
Title Sponsor


Our Sponsors
Address for Correspondence
Dr. Md Easir Arafat Khan
(Conference Secretary)
Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, BUET
Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh.
Email: eakhan@che.buet.ac.bd
https://eakhan.com/ https://cpisafety.com/
Cell/WhatsApp: +88 01756 4141 90
Department of Chemical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)
Dhaka, Bangladesh